Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the NL Classifieds Support Database. With hundreds of thousands of users, we get a lot of questions... so we've come up with answers to as many as possible here. Below are our most common questions and their answers in the form of FAQs (frequently asked questions). If you have a question that is not answered here, please let us know via Support
All ads submitted to NL Classifieds are individually reviewed and processed by our staff for maximum security and consistency. Ads can be suspended for a number of reasons including over-posting , cross-posting, inappropriate content, commercial activity, unallowed item, prank, scam or missing essential information.
Over-posting is when a user posts an ad for the same item more than once within a 7-day span. This is what we call over-posting of an item(s) and it is prohibited. This includes if a user removes the original ad and replaces it with another ad for the same item(s). For over-posting, it is based on the posted date of an ad - i.e. if an ad was posted on a Monday, any ad for the same item(s) posted before the following Monday would be considered over-posting by our moderators.
This also applies to an ad being for the same item(s) being posted on multiple accounts. If the ad is active on one account and then posted on another account, it will be suspended for over-posting if in breach of the 7-day time frame. In the case of multiple accounts, our staff may suspend an account indefinitely if they deem it appropriate.
Once an ad is suspended for over-posting, if applicable, our moderators will re-activate the original or last active previous listing for the item(s).
We recommend using the Edit feature (link to Edit blog post) to make any changes and/or updates to your ads if doing so in the first 7-days that the ad has been posted. This eliminates the possibility of your ads being suspended for over-posting.
NLClassifieds also reserves the right to reject any classified listing at any time. The removal of an ad is at the sole discretion of NL Classifieds and can be removed without notice and cannot be disputed.
Cross-posting is a form of over-posting that describes when an ad is posted in multiple categories. We do not allow an item(s) to be posted active in more than one category at a time - this is what we refer to as cross-posting.
We understand that mistakes are made and as the category is un-editable once posted, if a second ad for the same item is posted into a new and appropriate category, it can be activated and the original ad can be removed. Maintaining only one active ad at a time as to not cross-post any item(s).
Inappropriate content can describe many things but is not limited to profane language, inappropriate YouTube video in ad, adult content, illegal items or paraphernalia. Any item(s) that are deemed to be inappropriate content will be suspended by our moderators and not posted to NL Classifieds.
Commercial activity refers to a business listing or advertising. This includes business venture sales, business services, commercial equipment, industrial equipment and commercial promotions. All commercial listings are required to be paid ads and will not be posted under the free categories. NL Classifieds reserves the right to reject any classified listing at any time. For full cost information on commercial ads and accounts, please contact our offices at 709-237-7300.
All personally owned and used items are free to post, even your house or car! We also allow all wanted or looking to buy ads to be posted for free . Please refer to What is considered commercial activity? for a full list of what is considered a commercial/paid ad. For full cost information on commercial ads and accounts, please contact our offices at 709-237-7300.
Commercial or business listings can be paid for over the phone during our regular business hours. We currently accept both VISA & MasterCard. Payment can be taken by our staff at 709-237-7300.
Unallowed items include but are not limited to any illegal items, opinion ads, defamation ads (speaking ill of another person/business/group/etc), stolen items. NL Classifieds reserves the right to reject any classified listing at any time.
A prank is an illegitimate ad placed by one person with another persons contact information and/or intentional incorrect information to mislead. Prank ads as determined by our moderators will be suspended and can result in account suspensions as well. NL Classifieds reserves the right to reject any classified listing at any time.
Essential information would include information/title about the item(s). For example, an ad simply stating ?for sale, looking to sell as soon as possible. Please call for more info.? is missing essential information - what is the advertisement for?
NL Classifieds reserves the right to require further confirmation of an account and/or specific items at our discretion. If you have a new account and have had your first ad suspended, please contact our office at 709-237-7300 to confirm the account and ad with a member of our staff.
This additional confirmation acts as added security for all users and guests.
Due to recent changes in regulations from Transport Canada, it is now illegal to sell or give away any car seat that has been manufactured before January 1, 2012. Due to these new regulations, we cannot place an ad for any car seat manufactured before this date. If your car seat was manufactured after January 1, 2012, please show the manufacture date in your picture (which should be on the car seat) and we will gladly post the item.
For more information on these regulation changes, please visit
Ads are reviewed and processed by our website moderators from 9am-5pm and 7pm-11pm Monday through Sunday (7 days a week), 365 days a year - including holidays.
All ads submitted to NL Classifieds are individually reviewed and processed by our staff for maximum security and consistency. This is done to provide an industry leading level of security to both buyers and sellers. By reviewing and processing each ad, we are allowing real people to make decisions on each ad and can provide a much greater level of service to our users. This sets us apart from automated systems that can often times miss potentially fraudulent ads or even be circumvented by users. If you ever have any questions, you can always email or call a real person to resolve any potential issue or concern - these are the same people who review each and every NL Classifieds ad.
Yes, NL Classifieds is 100% locally owned and operated from here within Newfoundland & Labrador. The company was founded on the West Coast of NL and our corporate offices are located at 1247 Kenmount Rd, Unit B, Paradise, NL.
Your user name is the email address you have save on your account profile. If you have updated your email address since creating your account the it is the new email address you entered.
If you have forgotten your NL Classifieds password, you can reset using your email very quickly. We have developed this great step-by-step guide to resetting your password: If you need further assistance you can always contact us over the phone at 709-237-7300 during business hours and someone will be happy to help you.
This could mean your ad has expired - by default all ads posted with NL Classifieds have an expiration date of 8 weeks after the ad is posted. This can be edited and adjusted over time to extend the expiration date in conjunction with the posted date. Please refer to Can I edit my listing? (link) for more information on how to edit an ad.
This could also mean the ad was removed and/or suspended by our website moderators for any of the potential reasons outlined in the Why have my ad or ads been suspended? for more information. NL Classifieds reserves the right to reject any classified listing at any time.
Photos are allowed and encouraged - they can really set your ad apart from others and result in increased exposure and views! Each ad has a limit of 15 images that can be uploaded with it. All images are free of charge to upload with an ad.
If you are having trouble uploading images, here is a complete step-by-step guide that outlines the process:
Yes, any ad that is under your account can be edited or updated. Every aspect of an ad can be edited except for the category that the ad has been posted within - this is locked once the ad has been reviewed and processed. Under your account, find the ad you would like to update and click Edit - here you will see a page very similar to the create an ad page and have access to Edit all aspects of the ad.
We have created a complete step-by-step guide to editing your NL Classifieds ads here as well:
Yes, any ad under your account can be deactivated or deleted/removed from your account and from public viewing. Deleting/removing an ad completely deletes it from your account while deactivating an ad removes it from public viewing but keeps the ad under your account in case you would like to run the ad again in the future (example: rental property) or would like to use the same photos again on a new ad and not lose them.
We have created a complete step-by-step guide to removing an NL Classifieds ad here as well:
Deleting/Removing an ad completely deletes/removes it from your account while deactivating an ad deletes/removes it from public viewing but keeps the ad under your account in case you would like to run the ad again in the future (example: rental property) or would like to use the same photos again on a new ad and not lose them.
Yes, an inactive or expired ad can be reactivated and posted again. If an ad is inactive or expired, you can click the Activate button on the ad to reactive it.
We have created a complete step-by-step guide to reactivating an NL Classifieds ad here as well:
For further assistance, please contact our offices at 709-237-7300.
Worry not - we have all done this before! You can click Activate on your inactive ad to reactivate it and make it public again. You will find all your ads under ?My Account? and ?My Listings?.
We have created a complete step-by-step guide to reactivating an NL Classifieds ad here as well:
For further assistance, please contact our offices at 709-237-7300.
With over 2 million ads placed with NL Classifieds would suggest, we have a lot of categories. If you are unable to find the right category for your item(s), let us know. We are always looking to improve and do whatever we can to cater to our users needs - including creating new categories! We also have a Miscellaneous category for the item(s) that just don't quite fit into a particular category.
If you have any suggestions on our existing or on new categories, please let us know!